Wednesday 22 April 2015

Positive Reviews Are Rolling In for Sorrow!

The reviews keep rolling in for Sorrow, and this week, Reel Bloody Reviews calls the film a “brave and enthusiastic” effort by writer and director Millie Loredo. Viewers will soon be able to judge for themselves when the film premieres in Houston, Texas this week.

Modern Horrors is another website devoted to the review and exposure of horror films, and reviewer Grey watched screenwriter Millie Loredo’s directorial debut and praised her work.

“As Loredo’s first feature, Sorrow looks fantastic and held my attention throughout,” he said. “I hope to see more from Loredo in the future, hopefully more firmly entrenched in our genre.”

Loredo’s film follows the story of Mila Sweeney, a forensic pathologist who is kidnapped and tortured by two deranged serial killers by the names of Dale Rogers and Hersey Igor. However, she manages to escape and exacts her own personal form of vengeance against her captors.  

Reel Bloody Reviews writer Bruce praised Loredo’s directorial debut saying Sorrow is “one of the reasons I love revenge films.” According to Bruce, the film may achieve a horror fan cult following now that it has been released in theaters, on DVD and online.

One thing both reviewers agreed on was that the work of Mary Etuk for her performance as one half of the film’s two serial killers, Hersey Igor, was stellar. Modern Horrors called Etuk’s performance “electric” and “mesmerizing,” and Grey said he wished there had been more of Etuk in the film. Bruce agreed and applauded Etuk’s performance.

Additionally, Grey said the diverse cast with actors and actresses of varying ethnicities helped to give the film a real feel, which is what Loredo was hoping to achieve. “I was going for a truthful approach, to get as close to reality as possible,” she said.

“The vision [Loredo] had for her story shone brightly the entire way through,” Bruce said, adding that he is sure horror film fans will see more of Loredo in the future. Similarly, Grey said the film as a whole, “owing much to the era of grindhouse thrillers of the 70s,” will be a treat for fans of horror films everywhere.

You can read Reel Bloody Reviews’ entire review here, and you can read Modern Horrors’ review here! This week, several more reviews by Honeysuckle Magazine and Haddonfield Horror will be available online.

There are plenty of opportunities to view the film, including in theaters, streaming online and on DVD. After the premiere at River Oaks in Houston, Texas, Loredo will screen the film at the Plaza Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia; the Carolina Crownpoint Theater in Charlotte, North Carolina; and at the Quad Cinema as well as the Anthology Film Archives in New York City.

Click here now to watch the trailer for Sorrow, now screening in select cities! It is also available on DVD through Barnes & Noble and Target online for $14.95 and will be available to stream online through Amazon Instant Video and Google Play next week. Beginning mid-May, the Hulu Network will also be streaming the film online!

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